Together we can build a sustainable future
Build a Sustainable Future with e•qui•b!
Our environment is overtaken by plastic pollution, and it needs help. Consumers are aware that our ecosystem is threatened with excess plastic waste, and they demand a change. Eco-friendly packaging is needed now more than ever before – fortunately, with e•qui•b, a more sustainable future is here! Our lines of eco-friendly flexible packaging look toward a brighter and more sustainable future where single-use plastic can become a thing of the past.
Our e•qui•b lines are your eco-friendly packaging alternatives.
The first-generation of e•qui•b, made by the balance of forces combined to blend renewable and non-renewable resources together. When using e•qui•b Mass Balance products, you and your business move away from reliance on non-renewable resources. Not only does it conserve our ecosystem, but it also has the same product quality as conventional packaging, making the switch to Mass Balance eco-friendly packaging a no-brainer; it is hassle-free while keeping the planet top of mind.
e•qui•b Recycled Content is elevating the packaging industry by making resin out of plastic waste.
Recycled content-based packaging is here to stay, and e•qui•b Recycled Content is here to invoke change. Our innovative technology repurposes plastic materials, creating an extensive line of recycled content containing packaging- one package at a time!
Your products are ready to be packaged sustainably.
The planet will thank you for it.
Ready for change?
For more information about our products and solutions, or to obtain a quote,
please email, fill out our contact form, or give us a call at +1 (713) 497-7085.
At e•qui•b, we value honesty and are continuously learning
new ways to make our processes more sustainable for the Earth.
Contact Us
We’re sure you have lots of questions, and we’re happy to help. If you have inquiries about our products or if you aren’t sure if our materials are right for your company’s products, please fill out the form below. To speak to a sales representative, please contact us at or call us at +1 (713) 497-7085.